Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Me - The Dog

So, it's that time of the year when the sewers are over flowing, there is no auto rickshaw on the road and you walk feeling as if you have just pissed in your jeans. No hard feelings, no cynicism I just hate rains, I simply hate rains.

Hate them so much, that I start to hate everything and everyone around me including Me and myself. This I feel is actually a good thing as it helps to clean out the system of all the hatred I have/had and start afresh (I still hate rains).

So, I have spoken and irritated a lot of friends (Intellectual Masturbation), Colleagues (Scratching the Surface, Not a Journalist) and done a lot of other things (not worth mentioning) on my blog. I think I won't get a better time and a better season to write this post.

So here I am, ranting away to glory once again..

I am a complete dog, a dog who not only barks but bites too....a dog who has rabies. I have done strange things in life to get my work done. The best intentions were always to just get done with the job, without hurting anyone but these best intentions were always over powered by the intention of doing the 'job'.

I don't have a guilt feeling, neither is this some sort of a confession, just sharing a thought which came to my mind (like the other posts). In this era of saving arses, I have always tried to save mine. Yes, sometimes it so happened that others got theirs in the line of fire because I had to take off mine.

So, if it was a poor spot boy who had to face my wrath as the elusive shot was just not getting canned, then sometimes it was one of the contestant who needed to be 'briefed' to say the right line.

The poor boy/guy wouldn't use the slang and swear words, I had to plainly turn the camera off and tell him, "Dude, if you don't give me good masala I won't be able to play you on TV. You better stop being a pansy and gimme some nice interesting bites. "

I changed his image completely, from a simple docile boy of 21 to this short tempered bad mouthing contestant. Another case of me saving my backside in trying to give my bosses and the audience good content to watch on their television sets.

Then there was a time, when I acted like a completed Bastard in getting this Inspector (maybe sub inspector) suspended, the guy just wouldn't give me the information I wanted. What do I do, I record him on the sly and show it to his seniors.

A couple of incidents here and there, a couple of incidents which I don't want to mention (too gross to be mentioned). The most recent one being of the "Episode Shoot", there was this mother of a kid (one of my contestants). A brain wave came to my mind. We have had too much of sweet moments on the show so just to make it spicy, we decided to twist it a little and make 'our mother' a little psycho (a character who scares her only daughter etc etc). I did that and we managed to establish the desired. But a week has passed and I still don't have the guts to look her in the eyes. It's scary because some appreciate me and say the 'great' job I have done, but when I see her I start to look for a way out.

Now, that when I think about them they just make me hate myself even more. I think it's the season which is doing it to me, walking on the road and being hit by those slimy little umbrellas (since I don't carry one, I keep bumping into them).

Let's hope that this season gets over soon, let's hope that the system is able to start afresh.