Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Out of focus - my xperiments with the Truth

This is the first of its kind post on the blog, the pictures have been clicked with a varying ISO speed, different apertures and a very confused ambitious and an experimental mind.

The blog generally doesn’t have such updates for the simple reason that I don’t think I am good at it (I generally don’t like talking about things I am not good at).

The photographs have been clicked with an absolute blank mind with the sole idea of they being out of focus. An idea which comes from the opinion (personal) that most often than not, the most beautiful things in life are often out of focus.

They didn’t make much sense in the begining but I guess the beauty (‘beauty’ here is very relative so what might be beautiful to me might be the most atrocious thing known to mankind for you) came out when I tried to make sense out of the non sense I had clicked. It was the blankness, and the fact that I could interpret them in so many different ways that made me put it up here.

A dear friend once said that I should be able to make a ‘connect’ with all those who read my blog (if I want to blog at all, otherwise the purpose of blogging is lost).

I don’t know how much of a ‘connect’ this post would make.

It’s there just because I liked the idea of the idea.