Monday, May 16, 2011

Shooting Star

Of all the moments that I have had,

there were a few I lived for, there were a few I died for.

I wish to go beyond the times when these moments will cease to exist, the times when these moments will stop for me.

I wish to seek, who I desire in those moments

I wish to go beyond that passing moment.

the moment which makes me desire who I desire.

I pass that moment, just like the passing shooting star

For, I burn, in this milky way, just like that shooting star.

And I burn, just like the milky way, I burn like that shooting star.

One day, I will see the universe I crave for,

there would be a day I would see my desire

I will see that world in which I wish to live,

I will see the way to live.

Maybe I will leave everything to see that desire

Maybe I will the forget the mornings for you

maybe I will forget the evenings for you.

Because I burn like that star, the shooting star.

And there I go, much beyond these moments to get what I desire.

And I burn, just like the milky way, I burn like the shooting star I saw last nite.

And today, I am not with you

we don't share those moments

the moments which we lived for, the moments which we died for.

It pains, but the pain doesn't pain like pain.

Neither my pain nor what we shared is anything less than the extraordinary.

What you have for me is no less than what I have for you.

Still, I burn, I burn like the shooting star..

I burn, just like the milky way, I burn like the shooting star for you.